Monday, August 8, 2011

So when will conservatives push the religion toting crazies out of their party and say "they arent with us?"?

i mean creationism?! "education is indoctrination"... people that vote pro life and then vote pro war and pro death penalty? and then the people who try to push religious views in the political agenda? i mean turn on fox news for 5 minutes and they will constantly blather on about how godless liberals are attacking america, but no one likes to mention how bill o'reilly goes on and on about how his religion should be the center of Americas views... blah blah blah im wondering if he ever got the memo about 200 years ago when they were writing the constitution and decided to add a little thing called the bill of rights? because this country was founded by a bunch of disgruntled european's who had had it with people telling them what they could and couldn't follow, in fact the majority of the founding fathers were deists... and dont get me wrong i dont hate christians or anything of the sort, im a patriot, id like everyone to be treated equally and allowed to worship how they please, unfortunately some of the louder christians are the crazy ones(as it would be in any majority religion) so really when are conservatives going to drop the religion toting crazies trying to destroy our country and throw it into a new dark age by undermining our fundamental freedoms and our educational system?

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