Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is it possible to fix my metabolism?

To get your metabolism back on track you will need to learn about and understand your thyroid gland. You will need to make sure that your diet is delivering enough iodine to your thyroid gland as it produces hormones, namely thyroxine, which determines the rate of metabolism, in other words, how fast you break down and use food. Increasing thyroid activity is a sure and permanent way to managing weight however a little research is neccessary but entirely worth it. Salt is available in an iodized form, use it but not too much. Taking Kelp supplements will give you a sure supply of iodine. The trick is to not over do it. Whenever you find yourself havin overeaten, the best thing to do rather than puking it up is to drink green tea with out sugar, (you'l have to acquire the taste), Also try Dr Stuarts Slim Plus, or Adious,

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