Sunday, August 7, 2011

In all Honesty, how can Fox New's Bill O'Reilly say he's an Independent?

I would say he's more of a Traditional ,Moderate Republican more like it. Just because He's not Extreme like Hannity, they say he's independent? How can he be independent when he spends most the show ranting about Obama. Ranting about how " Disgusting left wing organizations are", Saying " Left Wing Loons" 20 Times a show. Never attacking " right wing loons". Really the only things he has defended Obama on are his Birth Certificate. And He says that he is Smart. That's it. forgetting about some of the disgusting acts of right wing organizations? I mean , you can't sit there and just attack democrats and democrats only and tell your audience that your independent. Usually he starts his interview's by asking everyone " Are you disappointed in President Obama and why?" He never started an interview with " Are you Disappointed in president Bush and why? I mean it's remarkable how this guy operates now, versus how he treated the Bush Admin. He never attacked Bush for having Rapper Puffy Combs at the white house over his violent song lyrics. He never said Bush endorsed Puffy's views on Drug dealing and kidnapping. He never attacked Bush for having Johnny Cash, having written songs about being in prison, drug use, and dreams of murdering his wife and other people. Yet, all this week, his primary focus has been attacking the President For having Rapper Common Read poetry there. The Same Rapper who was interviewed and Praised by the very same network. For Shifting his Tone and starting charities for low in come families. Why does he Hold Obama to a different standard if he's independent?

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